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Whether you have a question, comment, advertising inquiry, or interest in working with me, I would love to hear from you. Please check the FAQ below, and if your question isn’t answered there, use the form to drop me a line.


For Readers:

  • If you have a question or comment about a recipe, please use the comments form on the recipe page. 

For Bloggers & Businesses

  • If you want to use a link to any of my recipes on your website, please do so without asking.  You may also use a photo or excerpt from any post with a link back to my post. I do not allow re-posting an entire recipe or more than one paragraph of a post, using photos without linking back, or presenting any of my content as your own.

Have a Different Question?

Fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Looking forward to hearing from you!