The BEST Keto Breakfast  Burrito Recipe

You only need 5 ingredients to make this amazing keto breakfast burrito! And it tastes so good, you won't believe it's actually keto-friendly!

* Shredded mozzarella * Grated cheddar cheese * Large egg * Salt, to taste * Bacon slices * Pork sausage, casing removed


Cook the bacon in a large skillet until crispy. Then place the cooked bacon on a paper towel to drain the excess oil.

Step #1

Add the eggs and the salt into a bowl and beat. Then fold in the cheddar cheese. Scramble the eggs in that same skillet for 1 minute. Once the eggs are cooked, place them aside.

Step #2

Next, cook the pork sausage in a skillet, with a splash of olive oil, until nicely browned, and place this aside as well.

Step #3

Grab a clean skillet and let's make a cheese tortilla! Set the skillet over medium heat and sprinkle with mozzarella in an even layer, making sure the bottom of the skillet is covered evenly. Cook the tortilla for 2 minutes or until the edges are golden-brown.

Step #4

To assemble the burrito, transfer the cheese tortilla onto a plate. Then top with sausage, eggs, and bacon.

Step #5

Lastly, fold over the sides and roll until the burrito filling is secure.

Step #6

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